A Ministry of Love
The New Chapel Baptist Church (NCBC) Dance Ministry was formed in the summer of 1999 by Minister Lynette Davis. The group consist of eight girls. Upon Minister Davis' departure to begin her own church ministry, the NCBC Dance Ministry was under the direction of Missionary Denise A. Bethea in October 2003. Missionary Patricia Fowler served as Support Director. In 2010, Sister Latika Vines became the Director of the Dance Ministry with Sister Delicia Vance serving as the Support Director. In 2011, Sister Tiffany Jones became the Support Director. In 2012, Sister Tiffany Jones became the Ministry Director and Sister Shamere' Waddy became the Ministry Support Director. God has truly blessed this ministry with over 40 children both male and female under their dynamic leadership. These two young ladies have opened the doors of this ministry to New Chapel Christian Academy student who have now become apart of our Sunday worship as well as the students worshipping through dance during the week in front of their peers.
The NCBC Dance Ministry's mission and purpose is to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to evangelize to the lost, to minister to the saints and outreach to the community through the gift of dance.
The NCBC Dance Ministry has ministered to songs such as, "Well Done", "Rain On Us", "Before I Die","I Feel Good", "Love","Something About The Name Of Jesus","Take Me To The King","I Belong To You","Speechless","Greater Is Coming",and many more. While we are praising Him in dance (Psalm 149:3), it is our desire that souls will be saved and people will be set free.
Keep us in prayer because God is not through with us yet. He is continuously stretching and develpoing us as we yield our bodies to Him. To US,"He is the Lord of Dance".
Directors: Sister Tiffany Jones / Sister Shamere' Waddy